12 Types of People Everyone Hates
Mizuka Ishiwatari
It's not nice to hate a certain kind of a person, but in these cases, I think most people can relate.
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People bitching about others behind their back - and then smiling sweetly at their face. -
People snooping in places they shouldn’t be snooping - they don't know what they are looking for, but they know that they are looking for SOMETHING. Some people feel like invading your privacy is not only okay, but that they have the right to do so. -
People faking an emergency - date going bad? You've had enough of somebody? Need to leave some place earlier? Faking that you received a call or text about something important and you have to bail has became a standard way of lying your way out of a meeting. -
People promising to get back to you - while you have no intention of doing it or meeting somebody later, it might seem that lying about it and then dodging it might be a better choice than showing some guts and actually saying that you're not interested/won't do it. -
People pretending to work - don't you get furious when you worked your ass off while some other person at your workplace kept procrastinating, and they still got promoted, not you? Some people mastered the art of evading work, and while spending most of their work day on Facebook, they still receive the same amount of money as the "hard workers." -
People who keep making arguments up after you prove them wrong - no matter how much prove you're going to provide them with, they will still call you stupid, and it's you and your sources who are wrong. They know that because 'they are right' and that's their main argument. -
People who pee in the pool - the type of person who thinks that everybody's doing it and that it's no big deal. No, only disgusting slobs do it, and it is a big deal. Get your lazy ass out of the pool and take a walk to the bathroom. Do you piss your pants, too? -
People ignoring the speed limit - it's placed there for a reason. Thousands die each year because of people who think that 30 zones are there to annoy them, not to ensure safety. -
People intensely checking up on their significant other - when you're feeling the constant need of going through your girlfriends/boyfriend's text to check out if they aren't cheating on you, despite the fact that they've never given you a reason to suspect them, there's something wrong with your relationship. -
Casual shoplifters - you go to a store to buy beer with your friend, and you see them taking small stuff, like candy bars, and hiding it in their pockets, smiling at you. Like it's okay to steal, because it's a big store, they're rich. They've EARNED IT. The smug grin on their face while they are doing it is making you want to punch them in their stupid thieving face. -
People telling you about their affairs - as if being a slut and cheating on their partner wasn't bad enough, they share the most intimate secrets about their new relationship, with their closest colleagues. They need to tell you about how they are secretly cheating on their partner, making you choose to either tell their significant other (and be a snitch) or do nothing and feel guilty. -
Elaborate pranksters - people who didn't grow up. Their childish sense of humor evolved into something dangerous. Simple pranks don't cut it, and while they know that their pranks are often driving people insane, they won't stop until somebody gets hurt. Most often them, by the subject of their prank.
People bitching about others behind their back - and then smiling sweetly at their face.